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SUGAR SMART Newcastle aims to tackle high sugar consumption at population level.  It is multi-pronged approach involving a wide variety of settings and sectors who working together can contribute to long term change.

The key message of the Newcastle Sugar Smart campaign are:

  • Reduce the frequency of sugar intake
  • Keep sugary foods and drinks as part of a meal
  • Reduce the amount of sugar consumed every day

The Newcastle Sugar Smart group is a multi-agency partnership whose members represent the NHS, universities, local authority, voluntary sector, leisure providers, school caterers and workplaces. The group has developed an 11 strand settings based action plan which outlines, how collectively the city can work together to reduce the amount of sugar the residents of Newcastle are consuming.



SUGAR SMART Newcastle launched on Wednesday 14th November at the Beacon Centre, with an impressive partnership of settings, businesses and groups from across the city joining up to tackle the impacts of sugar overconsumption on their local communities. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE


What have we achieved so far?

The Newcastle SUGAR SMART group  has developed an 11 strand settings based action plan which outlines, how collectively the city can work together to reduce the amount of sugar the residents of Newcastle are consuming. To date achievements include:

  • Dissemination of the key messages of the campaign through presentations to the Change 4 Life partnerships in the east and west of the city
  • Two of the major school caterers are modifying recipes and altering the drinks offered to children and young people, to contain less sugar
  • Training has been provided to catering staff from the Laidlaw Trust schools on being Sugar Smart
  • Local NHS premises have removed price promotions on high sugar drinks and high sugar drinks from vending machines have been removed
  • Sugar Smart training resources for specific use in community settings have been produced





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Action plan