Newcastle Good Food Plan 2021
October 18, 2021 2:27 pm
Food Newcastle partners recognise that ‘Good Food’ underpins the quality of people’s lives. Not only is it essential to our survival but the way we eat it, buy it, grow it, transport it, and dispose of it has a profound impact on the city we live in. Food can change the landscape of our city, the strength of our economy, the health and wellbeing of our community, the environment as well as our culture and social lives.
Promoting ‘Good Food’ is a powerful driver and must be embraced at the heart of any effort to improve people’s lives.
In Newcastle, like elsewhere, the challenges in the food system are many: rising obesity, food poverty, health inequalities, the impact of food production and distribution on climate change; and economic challenges for local food businesses. Addressing these challenges will require new creative partnerships across organisational boundaries. It will require communities to be better equipped with the tools and confidence to take control of their own health and happiness.
The Food Newcastle Network will play an important role in bringing people together to enable this to happen.
Following consultation from our steering group and wider partnership members, we have updated our Good Food Plan. We will use the plan to steer our direction over the next 3 years. Our GFP is based on the 6 partnership themes, and provides a space to celebrate key achievements, whilst outlying priority actions for the next 3 years.
Our Good Food Plan 2021 – 2024 is now available to download.
Categorised in: General News
This post was written by Coordinator