Community Food Grants 2018
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary
After School Cooking and Gardening Club
The aim of the project is to teach children the life skills of basic healthy cooking and food preparation as well as gardening and growing food. The club will bring children together to encourage social interaction and develop their teamwork skills. They will also enhance their learning and knowledge in mathematics, safety, motor skills, literacy and science.
Nunsmoor Centre Trust
Foodie Friends for Life
To increase food knowledge and skills of young people and their families.
Develop skills in preparing simple meals from easy to follow recipes which the young people will keep to build up a collection to use at home and share their new skills with the family, the project will include an initial visit to Grainger Market to gain knowledge of how fresh seasonal produce can be purchased, with tips on reducing waste and avoiding excess food packaging.
The young people will also grow herbs and easy grow-cut-and-come-again vegetables and salad ingredients in containers which they can take away to continue to use in their own home environments having learnt new skills to help them achieve this.
Seed to Plate
To develop a community based sustainable food approach in line with the Newcastle City Plan. Our ‘From Seed to Serving’ project aims to mobilise the different generations in our community to develop interest, skills, knowledge and resources. We are aiming to make members more aware of economical, health and wellbeing issues in our area with a focus on improving outcomes and opportunities for NEAT families.
Food Smart
To reduce the level of food waste generated by primary schools and the homes of the pupils and staff.
Amazing Start Community Family Hub West
Little Diggers
To enable families to develop further skills, knowledge and confidence in growing and cooking with their own fresh fruit and vegetables, by providing regular fun, practical sessions in order to promote positive changes towards a healthy lifestyle.
WEA NE Green Branch
West End Food Hub Development Trial
The trial will help to build food knowledge and skills in the West End, particularly around social entrepreneurship, strengthening the fledgling food businesses that are emerging, including growers, bakers and processors.
It aims to strengthen the local sustainable food economy in the West End through providing a hub (an eco/community version of click and collect!) that provides an outlet for local food producers to sell and enables the local community to buy, including members of the local community who may be excluded from this type of model by having a way for local people to buy through a community centre that is familiar to them and by providing bicycle delivery, particularly important for those people who are less mobile.
It will also support environmental sustainability; the project plans to greatly increase the amount of allotment surpluses, that are either then used as ingredients or available to buy.
Wor Hoose
Wor Healthy Club Café
Hands-on cookery courses delivered to a group of local residents, who have nursery or school aged children, to learn new food skills and knowledge.
The group will then be supported to progress onto being involved in preparing, cooking and serving meals to others within a weekly community café activity to improve their employability and learn social enterprise skills.