The Partnership Group

Overseen by a chairperson and is then divided into 6 themed sub-groups in accordance with the Good Food Plan.  Each of the sub-groups are represented by leads who provide administration, consultation on and development of action plans, and deliver on agreed priorities.  The partnership group comes together at quarterly meetings, events and activities to discuss and action the progress and future of Food Newcastle.

Chair: Fiona Caple

Consultant in Public Health: Lorna Smith

Sustainable Food Cities Award Leader: Fiona Caple


THEME 1: Diet-related ill health and access to food

David Stobbs (Health Improvement Practitioner, Public Health)

Debora Howe (Oral Health Promotion Lead, NHS Community Dental Service) leading on Sugar Smart Newcastle

Judith MacMorran (Health Improvement Practitioner, Public Health)

THEME 2: Good food for all – tackling food poverty

Neil Munslow (Service Manager Active Inclusion, Newcastle City Council)

Clare Fish (Active Inclusion Officer, Newcastle City Council)

THEME 3: Building community food knowledge, skills, resources and projects 

David Stobbs (Health Improvement Practitioner, Public Health)

Emma Mould (Partnership Co-ordinator, Food Newcastle)

THEME 4: Strengthen the local sustainable food economy

Chris Jewitt (Managing Director, Food and Drink North East, FADNE)

Jamie Sadler (Managing Director, Food Nation)

THEME 5: Transforming catering and food procurement

Geoff Moyle (NHS Trust Hospital Catering)

THEME 6: Environmental sustainability – reducing waste and the ecological footprint of the food system 

Duncan Fairbrother (Bind Ncl.)

Jess Miller (Bind Ncl.)